About Me

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A child of God who is living, loving and learning in HIS world. Passionate for Creative Arts and loves Floorball

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Heart. My Mind.

On our way to Spearhead Training (Tia picked Nat and I up from our house) we were listening to "Just Stand Up" (by...yikes, a lot of artists! =D) on Tia's mp3 player.

There was this line that went "If your mind keeps thinking you've had enough, but your heart keeps telling you don't give up..." so Tia asked us, "are you a mind person or a heart person?"

At first we didn't know exactly what she was talking about, but I think this is what I got out of her explanation, or question in the first place : what motivates you to do things, what gets you going, or what decides what you do.

Initially, we both said, "it depends" so Tia made the question focused generally on playing floorball. At first I said heart. Then after a while I thought otherwise. Of course we use both some of the time, but other occasions we tend to lean on one side. So now, I'm not really sure about myself!

Tia suggested I blog about it, so here I have tried to pen down (tapping away, rather) my thoughts...

So are you a heart person or a mind person?

Saturday, April 09, 2011

The Defibrillator

Quite recently, a friend introduced the word "defibrillator" to me. Even then, I did not think that it was an actual word until I looked it up on the Internet and here is Webster Online's response: Defibrillator - An electronic device that applies an electric shock to restore the rhythm of a fibrillating heart.

This friend knows I'm plenty ticklish, so supposedly I go through defibrillation when pokes me in the sides. =P It's quite irritating (ahem...) mainly because he does this quite often, and also because he thinks his hands make absolutely fantastic defibrillators. xD

I do recall one time when I happened to be next to Nat when he decided to try his "defibrillatoring" skills on her. I suppose it was her natural reaction to move, but why she whacked me in the face, I don't know =D I think I was tearing because I was laughing so hard, not because it hurt. apparently, he did not expect that to happen, but either way it was funny.

So for those who for whom I talking about, the next time you see him around... I will leave the rest for you to find our yourself.