About Me

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A child of God who is living, loving and learning in HIS world. Passionate for Creative Arts and loves Floorball

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Too Late...?

Hi there again!

Well I know in my last post I said that I would write about my visit to Australia, but now mum says that maybe I shouldn't write them anymore because it has been so long. I do still want to write, but then again I know that I'll never be able to finish writing them all. By then, they would just be like " hanging there".

I am really, really sorry for those of you who have been waiting such a long time for my Australian posts. I feel real sorry that I have been able to write able to write them.

But those who really have been waiting to know about my Australian visit can ask me questions about it by commenting on this post! Thanks for understanding!

- Ashlynn -